Wednesday, 30 December 2015



Some months ago an incorrect statement was made by Jacob Prasch on the April 2015 Prophecy Update on Moriel's Face Book page.

Following an itinerary in the UK by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, whose ministry Ariel  Moriel & Jacob Prasch strongly endorse, the phraseology used by  Arnold on one of his teachings led to a misunderstanding among several  people that Arnold had altered his position on the timing of the Rapture.  This however was not the case and what was reported by us was a  mistake for which we expressed our apologetic regrets both to Arnold and  to our readers.

Arnold's view is indeed  unusual and unlike most pretrib brethren known to us, he holds that  the Great Tribulation, and not necessarily the Rapture, cannot take  place until the church knows the identity of the Antichrist. He does not believe the Rapture cannot take place until the Antichrist is  revealed , and this is what led to the confusion in the UK, as most British  Pretrib advocates equate the identification of the Antichrist with the  onset of the Great Tribulation; as do many in the USA and elsewhere.  Thus, a variation of the belief in imminency is held by Arnold who is Pretribulational, although his particular position on the Antichrist needing to be identified before the Great Tribulation lent itself to  being misconstrued. His position as explained in his book is in fact  clearer.

Jacob instructed that the clip be  removed once we were made aware of the error by the Ariel office in  Texas. Unfortunately, somehow the former team member suffering from  multiple sclerosis took ill and had to be replaced for medical reasons  when she was hospitalized. Her replacement, not familiar with the  situation, may have rebooted the entire page inadvertently reposting it.  As it stood, without  anyone realizing it - the corrected version ("A  House Divided") was removed, and the original clip containing the error  was re-posted! It has only come to our attention today and will be  corrected again immediately.

We once again can only yet again express our apologetic regrets for this embarrassing mishap.
Moriel  & Jacob  continue our  endorsement of Dr. Fruchtenbaum's  ministry and we suggest our  readers visit his Ariel website as a  recommended link. His books are indeed well worth reading, most  especially 'Israelology'. While Arnold's rather unique perspective on  the timing of the Rapture appears to be found somewhere between what  most Pretribulationists believe and our own Intra-Seal position, he  does nonetheless remain in the Prettribulational camp and we regret any misunderstandings to the contrary. It was an error and the  responsibility for the error is primarily ours although we were unaware  of it. We were sure it was redressed in April of 2015, not knowing it  became re-posted in the change of personnel.

Jacob has been on  medical leave since September, only able to do short spurts of work and  had no idea of  the error as neither did the new Facebook maintainer.

An updated version of "A HOUSE DIVIDED" will be re-filmed in the near future.
Sincerely in Christ,


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