Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Spiritual Fitness; -Daniel Takes His Pulse(s)

This originally appeared in the Moriel Bulletin of August 2013.

One of my favourite books is Daniel, not just because it contains some of the most important eschatological prophecies in the Bible; (Jesus' dialogue in Matthew 24, and the entire book of Revelation being vitally connected to it), but because it contains some of the most vivid depictions of living godly in the midst of persecution and standing for the LORD in the very heart of Babylon itself. We see the great trials of faith of for Daniel's and his friends with the Fiery Furnace, and the Den of Lions. However we should take note of the progression in the book. The fight of faith for Daniel and his friends begins not at the moment of potential martyrdom, but in chapter One.
“And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king. Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael,... But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. ...said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king's meat: and as thou seest, deal with thy servants. So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days."
Daniel purposed he would not defile himself with the meat and wine of the king of Babylon. Of course under the Old Covenant a faithful Israelite would avoid foods not permitted in the Torah. Interestingly enough the Torah does not mention wine itself as being unkosher. Perhaps underlying this there was an issue with the food (Aramaic pat-bag: delicacies) and wine of the king of Babylon being connected to idolatry in some way as well, in a manner reminiscent of that which Paul addressed the Corinthians about. The main application that I want to make here is typological. Babylon is THE major scriptural type of a world religious and value system that is directly opposed to God. It is typological of an evil and seductive religious system, that if it cannot deceive, entice or enslave the people of God on the one hand, will attempt to persecute and destroy them on the other. Daniel saw that if he began to compromise and let a little of that which is tainted by Babylon's idolatrous system in, it would begin a process which would cause problems further on down the line.

The Wine Of Babylon

Typologically wine has a number of different meanings, but in connection with Babylon they are wholly negative: it is called the wine of the wrath of her fornication; that is the wine of the wrath arising of her immorality and idolatry. Wine can lull us to sleep, or leave us disoriented, like a drunk in the street; vulnerable and ready to be mugged, or lay us open to further seduction in our intoxicated state. At the very least it can make us insensible just at the moment when we need to be alert and watching, The wine of Babylon is particularly dangerous as it leads us into actively sinning and drifting away from the LORD. Scripture tells us very clearly in the Last Days the love of many would grow cold because iniquity would abound. “Once Saved Always Saved” was never part of Jesus doctrine nor that of the Apostles or the Early Church. Paul says that if we are drunken and fall asleep, then the Day of the LORD (which is not the Tribulation, but when Jesus visibly returns in glory to gather up His saints and punish the ungodly), has every possibility of catching us unawares too. It shouldn't but it could, something that both Jesus and the Apostles said could happen to genuine believers (Luke 12:45-48; 1 Thess. 5:4-8 ; 1 Pet. 2:15-22, you will look in vain for a “Once Saved Always Saved” doctrine in the Scriptures. In its proper biblical context Eternal Security is always conditional).

Spiritual Junk Food

To eat of the delicacies of Babylon means we ingest its essence and values, they become a part of us, and change our makeup. They will weaken us, subtly sap our spiritual vitality, incrementally crush our spiritual vigour. To draw a parallel with modern day nutrition, it's like trying to live on a diet of Megaburgers, Chicken Mucknuggets, sugar filled shakes, snacks and sodas and the processed rubbish that is passed off as food. In fact we know that eating this stuff is a sure but steady way to obesity, diabetes, clogged arteries and congestive heart failure (It does make you wonder if the plague of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in the UK and USA is typological of the spiritual state of those nations, but that's another issue).

Typlogically speaking we are exiled in Bablylon until our Lord returns in glory and frees us. As believers the King of Babylon comes to offer his delicacies, Satan wants to re-program our system of values and priorities, to squeeze us into the world's mould (Rom 12:2). One of the primary ways that he does this is through the entertainment media, which when not seducing us with the world's value sytem acts as a marvellous sinkhole down which our precious time disappears to no profit. Ever done that come home from work relax after tea-time flop in front of the telly thing, and wonder how it got to midnight, finding yourself too tired to read even a small portion of God's Word? So we go to bed exhausted, wake up later than we intended and rush to work without that needed time with the LORD? For most people and many believers too this is a pattern of life. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying its sinful to own a TV set, but somebody once defined insanity as repeating the same course of action but expecting different results each time. If this is our lifestyle then somethng is seriously wrong! In this modern era the entertainment industry has become the siren-song of Satan to seduce the saints into sin and serial squandering of the precious and all too finite time we have left to grow and develop in the knowledge of God and His Word. Satan uses the world system and its entertainments very powerfully indeed against the believer. He uses the bright lights of Babylon to draw strangers and pilgrims in from the wilderness, so he can entrap them in his allurements. We may be exiles in this world, trapped in the Land of Babylon awaiting our deliverance, but we dare not settle down in its city and become naturalised citizens! We seek a city that has foundations whose builder and maker is God.

God's Healthy Diet Plan

In Hebrews 12 we are warned not just to cast off entangling sins, but every other encumberance which can hinder our walk with God, and one of the biggest stumbling blocks for modern day believers is mismanagment of our time! Jesus called these things "the lusts of other things entering in, which choke the word and render it unfruitful".

If the spiritual spring has gone out of our step, if we feel jaded and exhausted in our inner man, we need to be realistic with ourselves and look at our priorities. In Genesis 18, if Abraham was a modern Christian, he would have asked the LORD and his angelic companions to "Sit down over there for while will you, -I just have to catch this episode of Coronation Street!". Of course in reality Abraham dropped everything in order to serve the LORD and sit with Him. We should be mindful for the LORD to be lord of our lives indeed, means that He be master of our time also.

If Daniel had not set his heart to be faithful and not defile himself with the wine and delicacies of Babylon, he may not have had the strength to stand in the later much more severe trials. If he had not run with the footmen he would not have been able to run with the horses. He that is faithful in little will be faithful in much.

We are living in highly dangerous and volatile times and the LORD is not going to snatch us away at any moment a la J.N. Darby's delusions, (Darby, in addition to founding a self-excommunicating and controlling cult-group, promulgated an eschatology that flat out denies explicit teachings of the Scriptures by adopting a spiritualising hermeneutic to insert teachings into the Body that can not be honestly derived from Scripture. Not only so, but he held to a form of Neo-Marcionism, that hacked the Scriptures up and effectively wrote major parts of the New Testament off. No one should claim that these errors are the product of the work of the Spirit.), but things can change so rapidly that we could quite possibly be standing on the very cusp of the Tribulation itself At the very least Europe and the USA are fast becoming places where faithful believers in Jesus are being officially persecuted. Remember democracy and religious freedom are a historical anomaly in human history, not the norm. Are we ready for this? Unless we prepare ourselves for what lies ahead, we imperil ourselves. The junk food of Babylon can cripple our spiritual health and effectiveness, and render us unfit for service, or even worse.
“Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse. As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” (v.16)
Daniel and his friends chose to eat pulses and drink water instead of eating Babelburgers and Nebuchadnezzar McNuggets. Interestingly enough the Hebrew word for pulses is "zaronim" from the Hebrew word "zera" -a seed, a type of the Word of God (see Matthew 13, Mark 4 etc) . We are to desire the word that we might grow thereby.
“at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat.” (v. 15)

Consequently they enjoyed better health than those who ate from the King of Babylon's portion. They were not just better equipped for the trials ahead but God also blessed them for their faithfulness, and gave them wisdom and understanding above that of their peers, in particular that which related to the Last Days. To him who hath more shall be given but to him that hath not even that which he hath shall be taken from him. We all desperately need understanding for the days ahead, but it comes at a price, that of forsaking the things not needful and choosing the good portion.